Category: Mark’s Inspirational Quotes

Financial crisis

The financial crisis is one of the most profound teachers of our time. Whether in America, Iceland, the UK, the rest of Europe, Asia or beyond, it is showing us that everything in this world is interconnected and we cannot survive without considering each other and pulling together. Boundaries, flags and the “me culture” ultimately …

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Don’t Save the Planet

I’ve come to realise that we don’t need to “Save The Planet”. The planet will be fine without us. We need to save humankind. The solution lies in all of us taking 100% responsibility for everything we do every minute of every day in order to start healing our home, a home we are consuming …

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The question is not what you can get out of life, but what life can get out of you.

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Finding Happiness

In our short lives, we don’t have time to waste trying to find an ever-elusive happiness outside of ourselves through material possessions and status. True happiness only lives within and rediscovering it every day is our lifetime’s work

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The Gap Between Imagination and Reality

A thought is only a thought until you believe it. Question any thought which doesn’t serve you before giving it permission to become your reality.

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The Fear Thief

Fear of the future only robs you of the present

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Time of crisis

In time of a crisis, we have the opportunity to become emotionally strong.

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Credit crunch

With the financial turmoil worldwide reported in the media there is only one decision you need to make today. Do you look outward, buy into the fear and become part of the problem or do you look within, and know that you have the ability to weather whatever passing storm may come your way?

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Secret of life

One of the secrets of life is to let go of what you don’t need, whether you already have it or think you need it.

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Remember that every thought you have is either a deposit or withdrawal from your Life’s bank account.

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Darkest moments

Sometimes during our seemingly darkest moments, the brightest light can appear.

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Never stop asking yourself the question ‘What do I want to be when I grow up?’

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Slow down

With all the major issues surrounding us today, the world is trying to teach us two words – ‘Slow Down’

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Work-Life Balance?

Do you love what you do? Too often we separate our work and our life, as highlighted by the ironic modern expression ‘Work-Life Balance’. Many people spend nearly half their awake adult life working. Our work is our life. Our life is our work. True living is when you change your perspective on your work …

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Super humans

I know when we will have evolved to super humans… it’ll be the day everyone remains in their seats until the airplane doors are open.

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Energy vampires

Don’t hang out with energy vampires.

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Open to everything

Practise being open to everything and attached to nothing.

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To strive

Those who continually strive, never arrive.

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Trying to be better

Life is not about trying to be better than others. It about trying to be better than you used to be.

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Emotions are our internal compass for telling us how far off true north we are.

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