In the film The Matrix there is a defining moment where the lead character Neo is offered either a blue pill or red pill. They have become pop culture terms that represent a common symbol for the choice between the blissful ignorance of illusion (blue) and embracing the sometimes painful truth of reality. In 1991, I started …
Category: Part of the Solution
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Jan 13
The Journey
As many of my friends will know I am working on a documentary film called “Part of the Solution”. In the many conversations I having about people are asking for links to some of the resources which I’m discovering on the journey. I’ve created a new Part of the Solution category so if you want to follow the …
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Oct 24
Our Greatest Teachers
The financial crisis is one of the most profound teachers of our time. Whether in America, Iceland, the UK, the rest of Europe, Asia or beyond it is showing us that everything in this world is interconnected and we cannot survive without considering each other and pulling together. Boundaries, flags and the “me culture” ultimately …
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Oct 22
“Slow down you move too fast. You gotta make this moment last”
The credit crunch could be a good thing. We might start living life at half the speed we currently do, which means we would only be consuming the world twice as fast as we should.
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Oct 20
Don’t Save the Planet
I’ve come to realise that we don’t need to “Save The Planet”. The planet will be fine without us. We need to save humankind. The solution lies in all of us taking 100% responsibility for everything we do every minute of every day in order to start healing our home, a home we are consuming …
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Sep 03
Let Your Light Follow You Around
In August I heard of the launch of an excellent idea called One Hundred Months ( The web site says: “We have 100 months to save the planet. When the clock stops ticking we could be beyond the climate’s ‘tipping point’, the point of no return.” I really like the idea behind the site as …
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