When travelling in Delhi, India about sixteen years ago I had been walking for about eight hours and my feet ached like never before. I was suffering from culture shock and overwhelmed by all the poverty I was seeing. I sat down on the pavement feeling thoroughly sorry for myself. In amongst the bustle of the surrounding street …
Permanent link to this article: https://www.4000saturdays.com/blog/my-feet-ache/
Jan 13
The Journey
As many of my friends will know I am working on a documentary film called “Part of the Solution”. In the many conversations I having about people are asking for links to some of the resources which I’m discovering on the journey. I’ve created a new Part of the Solution category so if you want to follow the …
Permanent link to this article: https://www.4000saturdays.com/blog/you-asked-for-it/
Dec 10
The simple things in life
We are often told that it’s the simple things in life that bring the most pleasure. There has been a trend for us to make our lives too fast and complicated. Maybe we are now at a new dawn, a dawn of getting back to basics.
Permanent link to this article: https://www.4000saturdays.com/blog/the-simple-things-in-life/
Dec 09
Eye of the storm
At times of change, especially whilst caught in the eye of a storm, rather than put your energy on the devastation around you, try to focus on the better future ahead after the clean up.
Permanent link to this article: https://www.4000saturdays.com/blog/eye-of-the-storm/
Oct 27
Cheer up!
As a parent I’ve rapidly learnt that we are not here to teach our children but learn from them. This is none more apparent when discovering that children laugh on average 146 times a day, whilst adults laugh just four times. Does this point to the serious business of growing up or us simply taking life too seriously? …
Permanent link to this article: https://www.4000saturdays.com/blog/cheer-up-you-ol-fart/
Oct 24
Our Greatest Teachers
The financial crisis is one of the most profound teachers of our time. Whether in America, Iceland, the UK, the rest of Europe, Asia or beyond it is showing us that everything in this world is interconnected and we cannot survive without considering each other and pulling together. Boundaries, flags and the “me culture” ultimately …
Permanent link to this article: https://www.4000saturdays.com/blog/our-greatest-teachers/
Oct 22
“Slow down you move too fast. You gotta make this moment last”
The credit crunch could be a good thing. We might start living life at half the speed we currently do, which means we would only be consuming the world twice as fast as we should.
Permanent link to this article: https://www.4000saturdays.com/blog/slow-down-you-move-too-fast-you-gotta-make-this-moment-last/
Oct 21
Financial crisis
The financial crisis is one of the most profound teachers of our time. Whether in America, Iceland, the UK, the rest of Europe, Asia or beyond, it is showing us that everything in this world is interconnected and we cannot survive without considering each other and pulling together. Boundaries, flags and the “me culture” ultimately …
Permanent link to this article: https://www.4000saturdays.com/blog/financial-crisis/
Oct 20
Don’t Save the Planet
I’ve come to realise that we don’t need to “Save The Planet”. The planet will be fine without us. We need to save humankind. The solution lies in all of us taking 100% responsibility for everything we do every minute of every day in order to start healing our home, a home we are consuming …
Permanent link to this article: https://www.4000saturdays.com/blog/dont-save-the-planet/
Permanent link to this article: https://www.4000saturdays.com/blog/life/
Oct 16
Finding Happiness
In our short lives, we don’t have time to waste trying to find an ever-elusive happiness outside of ourselves through material possessions and status. True happiness only lives within and rediscovering it every day is our lifetime’s work
Permanent link to this article: https://www.4000saturdays.com/blog/finding-happiness/
Oct 15
The Gap Between Imagination and Reality
A thought is only a thought until you believe it. Question any thought which doesn’t serve you before giving it permission to become your reality.
Permanent link to this article: https://www.4000saturdays.com/blog/the-gap-between-imagination-and-reality/
Permanent link to this article: https://www.4000saturdays.com/blog/the-fear-thief/
Permanent link to this article: https://www.4000saturdays.com/blog/time-of-crisis/
Oct 07
Credit crunch
With the financial turmoil worldwide reported in the media there is only one decision you need to make today. Do you look outward, buy into the fear and become part of the problem or do you look within, and know that you have the ability to weather whatever passing storm may come your way?
Permanent link to this article: https://www.4000saturdays.com/blog/credit-crunch/
Sep 15
Secret of life
One of the secrets of life is to let go of what you don’t need, whether you already have it or think you need it.
Permanent link to this article: https://www.4000saturdays.com/blog/secret-of-life/
Sep 12
Remember that every thought you have is either a deposit or withdrawal from your Life’s bank account.
Permanent link to this article: https://www.4000saturdays.com/blog/thoughts/
Sep 11
Darkest moments
Sometimes during our seemingly darkest moments, the brightest light can appear.
Permanent link to this article: https://www.4000saturdays.com/blog/darkest-moments/
Permanent link to this article: https://www.4000saturdays.com/blog/daily-inspirational-quote-dreams/
Sep 03
Let Your Light Follow You Around
In August I heard of the launch of an excellent idea called One Hundred Months (www.onehundredmonths.org). The web site says: “We have 100 months to save the planet. When the clock stops ticking we could be beyond the climate’s ‘tipping point’, the point of no return.” I really like the idea behind the site as …
Permanent link to this article: https://www.4000saturdays.com/blog/let-your-light-follow-you-around/