There is a higher probability of being knocked down by a bus than winning the lottery. Be careful what you wish for!
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Aug 01
Talent for money
Some people have a talent for making money. Very few of them possess the talent for handling it.
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Jul 31
Good night’s sleep
If you want a better night’s sleep, fill your soul with good things an hour before you close your eyes. Better still, start filling it with good stuff from the moment you wake up.
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Jul 29
Glass half empty…
People say they either see the glass as half empty or half full. The enlightened are simply happy to have a glass.
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Jul 28
Label or no Label?
Remember that when we name something, we stick a label over it and often cover up its beauty. Remove the label and you can start to appreciate it’s true value.
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Jul 25
7 times around the world
If anyone ever tells you won’t go far, just remember that in our life’s journey we walk the equivalent of seven times around the world.
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Jul 24
What we take for granted
We take for granted the everyday. Next time you take a walk, focus on, feel and experience the sensation of each step.
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Jul 23
Real Beauty
When someone compliments you on how they look, the real beauty is the graciousness of their act.
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Jul 22
Blind Man
A blind man came up to me once and asked me “What do you see?” I closed my eyes and said, “Every beauty you can ever imagine”.
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Jul 21
Hands Full
When your hands are full, stop trying to pick up more unless you are willing to let go of something.
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Jul 17
Mirror, mirror on the wall
When you look in the mirror, if you don’t like what you see, don’t go out and buy a new mirror, go to the opticians.
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Jul 16
A different perspective
We think of ourselves as solid, but put us under a microscope and we are a mass of vibrating energy made up of cells, just like everything else in this universe.
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Jul 14
Inspiring Videos
Today I watch a video by a guy called Matthew Harding. Some of you may have heard of him as his original video back in 2006 was one of the most popular videos on You Tube (and named as his “favourite You Tube posts of all time” by the site’s Founder). In a nutshell, Matthew …
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Jul 13
Become a Superhero
There is a lot in the news about the world crisis we face. It’s on many scales – food prices, oil, petrol/gas, the environment, instable financial and property markets, mass consumption, population… I talk with many people who are quite burdened with these “problems”. On the one hand we want to enjoy our lives, but …
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Jul 12
Top 10 Most Inspiring Films
Over the last week I have been thinking about Inspiration for a radio show I am doing today. When I thougth of the question, “What inspires me”, on of the things that popped into my head was “films”. There is nothing quite like sitting down to watch a film that stirs your soul and lifts …
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Jul 11
Squeeze Me
When you squeeze an orange, orange juice comes out. When you squeeze lemon, lemon juice comes out. When someone squeezes you, what comes out?
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