Tag: gratitude

What Is Center-Stage in Your Life?

Life is all about inching towards more gratitude and away from fear. Make an intention today to try to live the next 24 hours in gratitude. Fear will always be waiting in the wings for its moment to leap out and take center-stage in your life. It can engulf us like a wave and send …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.4000saturdays.com/blog/what-is-center-stage-in-your-life/

Fear & Gratitude

Fear and Gratitude cannot co-exist in the same moment. If you strive to practice gratitude with every step, fear and worry can no longer be part of your life.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.4000saturdays.com/blog/fear-gratitude/

An Attitude of Gratitude

Tonight I did a show about Gratitude on BBC Radio. It struck me that during these difficult times gratitude can really turn our attitudes and lives around. Here are my Top 5 Tips you can do every day to foster an attitude of gratitude in your life: 1) Every morning when you wake up, simply …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.4000saturdays.com/blog/an-attitude-of-gratitude/

The Story of Stuff

For anyone listening to tonight’s BBC Radio show (and everyone else!), here’s Annie Leonard’s wonderful twenty minute film called “The Story of Stuff”. It’ll change the way you look at things. I had the privilege of interviewing Annie last week for a new documentary called Part of the Solution (movie.4000saturdays.com) Find out more at www.storyofstuff.com

Permanent link to this article: https://www.4000saturdays.com/blog/the-story-of-stuff/

“My Feet Ache”

When travelling in Delhi, India about sixteen years ago I had been walking for about eight hours and my feet ached like never before. I was suffering from culture shock and overwhelmed by all the poverty I was seeing. I sat down on the pavement feeling thoroughly sorry for myself. In amongst the bustle of the surrounding street …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.4000saturdays.com/blog/my-feet-ache/

Don’t Save the Planet

I’ve come to realise that we don’t need to “Save The Planet”. The planet will be fine without us. We need to save humankind. The solution lies in all of us taking 100% responsibility for everything we do every minute of every day in order to start healing our home, a home we are consuming …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.4000saturdays.com/blog/dont-save-the-planet/

Daily Inspirational Quote #20

“Each new day we wake to is a precious gift, but its value is determined by how much we choose to appreciate it.”

Permanent link to this article: https://www.4000saturdays.com/blog/daily-inspirational-quote-20/

Daily Inspirational Quote #5

“When you wake up every morning, try to make your first thought ‘Thank you for giving me another day’”

Permanent link to this article: https://www.4000saturdays.com/blog/daily-inspiration-5/

Daily Inspirational Quote #2

“Gratitude and fear cannot co-exist in the same moment. If you feel stressed, worried, unhappy or anxious this week, immediately stop and think of something that you are grateful for in your life.”

Permanent link to this article: https://www.4000saturdays.com/blog/daily-inspiration-2/