thoughts – 4000 Saturdays

Tag: thoughts

The Four Foundations To Changing Your Life | #1 Your Thoughts

[About The Four Foundations - With so much turmoil in the outer world today, The Four Foundations is a practise which helps you refocus on what you can affect in your life. There is only one place to start – Your Inner World. If the article resonates with you, please join the thousands of people exploring The Four Foundations …

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Imagine A Day Where Everyone In The World Only Thought Kind Thoughts, Spoke Kind Words, And Did Kind Acts. Could We Experience Heaven On Earth?

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The Gap Between Imagination and Reality

A thought is only a thought until you believe it. Question any thought which doesn’t serve you before giving it permission to become your reality.

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Daily Inspirational Quote #18

“We have 60,000 thoughts a day, most of them the same thoughts we had yesterday. Tommorrow stop and question one of your habitual thoughts”

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Daily Inspirational Quote #11

“Today, you create your world moment by moment with every thought you have. More importantly, your reality is created by how you choose to react to and act on each thought you have.”

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