What do you Dream of Achieving?

Ignite your DreamIf you could change your life tomorrow and live your dream, what would you be doing? What are you passionate about? What would make you want to jump out of bed in the morning? What would feel impossible to you right now? [pullquote]”Why, I sometimes believe six impossible things before breakfast!”[/pullquote]

I recently gave a speech inspired by the Queen in Alice in Wonderland who told Alice, “Why, I sometimes believe six impossible things before breakfast!” Think back to something in your life that initially felt impossible. You had the dream, but maybe didn’t have the knowledge and know-how. Perhaps you didn’t have the experience or confidence, or the time wasn’t quite right. Maybe money or resources prevented you from making it a reality. Or was it lack of action, focus or support?

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But somehow circumstances manifested to help you achieve your goal!

So my question to you is, what do you dream of today that feels impossible right now? If you were to step up to the next level, where would that be? Project yourself into the future and imagine how amazing your life will feel when it happens.

I love sites that encourage us to create bucket lists. The trouble with most bucket lists is far too often, dreams stay in the bucket.

[pullquote]”The trouble with most bucket lists is far too often, dreams stay in the bucket“[/pullquote]

One of my missions in life is to help people ignite their dreams, which involves them rediscovering their inner genius. You hold the candle but just can’t seem to find the spark. My goal is to fastrack your dream by helping you to discover the match. Once you strike it, everything changes.

I’d like to invite you to join one of my exclusive and fascinating “Ignite Teams” which brings together a powerful groups of like-minded individuals who love to dream big and want to support and help each other ignite their dreams. I want to hear about your big goals, dreams, bucket lists and some impossible things you want to do. Maybe you want to…

  • Write or publish a book
  • Change the world
  • Leave the corporate rat race
  • Start your own business
  • Become financially independent
  • Take your business to the next level
  • Set up a charity
  • Change careers
  • Launch an online business
  • Start a record label, hear your music on the radio, finish (or begin!) an album
  • Open a theme park, restaurant or practice
  • Create a product or service
  • Work from home / Quit the commute
  • Move country
  • Open an art gallery
  • Become a life coach
  • Bring your invention to the world
  • Overcome an illness
  • See the world
  • Do that crazy idea
  • [ _______________________ ] (fill in the blank!)

Whatever your dreams are, Ingite Teams is the place to make them happen. Too often in life we are told note to dream and think big. In your Ignite Team it is positively encouraged! It’s a safe place environment where you are given permission to dream and more importantly, given permission to believe it is possible.

To find out more and to join Ignite Teams visit:


Igntie Team - Fuel your Dreams


Permanent link to this article: https://www.4000saturdays.com/blog/what-do-you-dream-of-achieving/